Projects Overview

Below is a list of some projects. As this website itself is a more recent project, the list isn’t exhaustive and I’m working on extending it with new projects and stuff I did in the past.

1 Robotics

Keypoint Detection on occluded Objects: This project aims to extend a keypoint detection algorithm by enabling it to keep track of occluded keypoints.
Colored Point Clouds from Indoor Environments: A robot with a 360° camera and two lidars was programmed to created huge colored 3D scans of indoor environments like office buildings.

2 Miscellaneous

Context-Aware Localization of iOS Apps with ChatGPT: Improving automatic localization of iOS user interfaces with ChatGPT by automatically providing context information with phrases that appear in the UI.
Window Tiling with Keyboard Shortcuts: Window movement and resizing in bash and a mini Python module to adjust Gnome settings.
This Website: Web design and user interface design in general are none of my hobbies. This is why I created this website using pandoc.
Zsh custom Prompts including git status: Apart from using chunky themes and plugins, Zsh offers a lot of built in functionality for customizing a prompt.
Legacy Website: A website with some old Arduino projects I built a couple of years ago while I was still in school. Only available in German. (Be careful, there is no dark mode).

3 Automatic Plant Watering

Automatic Flowerpot Watering: Hardware description for the automatic flower pot watering system that is used on my balcony.

4 3D Printing

Hose Connectors and Sprinklers: A few adjustments to the configuration of a 3D printer can make the prints (more or less) waterproof and allow printing parts like hose connectors and more.
(Mostly) waterproof 3D Printing: Techniques for printing mostly waterproof hose connectors and accessories.

5 Home Networking

Home Server Build in Late 2021: Building a quiet rack-mounted home server that is mainly used as a file server and for some light-weight docker containers.
Dell PowerEdge R210 II Setup in 2021: Overcoming problems with deprecated encryption algorithms and expired software support while setting up and updating a Dell PowerEdge R210 II server in 2021.

6 iOS Apps

EDL21 Control: (only in German) Eine App zum Steuern moderner Stromzähler, die nicht nur den Gesamtstromverbrauch, sondern auch den Verbrauch in kleineren Zeitintervallen anzeigen können.
PID Interactive: An interactive demonstration and explanation for PID (proportional integral derivative) controllers.